The Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ) is a long-term partner of the SPVM. This commitment is materialized through various national concerted operations in the scope of which all police forces in Québec are called on to intervene in relation to the same theme. Here are some examples of national concerted operations:
- Road sharing
- Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs
- Use of cells phones while driving
In addition, the SPVM benefits from financial assistance provided by the SAAQ to promote campaigns targeted at all Montréalers. The common thread of the themes on “100% safety”, “Crossing without playing with your life” or “Safe road sharing” focuses on the importance of making sure that you can see, hear and be seen.
Thanks to this important partnership, the SPVM has been able to develop prevention tools aimed at raising public awareness of at-risk behaviours.
These tools include:
- goggles that simulate the effects of alcohol on a person;
- distance measurement equipment between a cyclist and an overtaking vehicle;
- a road safety trailer used for public events in our territory.